MVNO Global was present at the MVNO World Congress mid September 2020.

mvno wc 1024x222 - MVNO Global was present at the MVNO World Congress mid September 2020.

Georges-Harald Bernard was a speaker during the MVNOs World Congress virtual event that took place September 15th to 17th, 2020.

He has performed a presentation: the case for OEMs (car manufacturers) to become full MVNOs themselves, where he has depicted the strategic stakes of alternate scenarios for connected car cellular connectivity

In addition he has discussed with Mr Amit Agrawal, Institute for Mobility Research / BMW Group during the speaker interview: when mobility meets mobility , where Amit has given his fascinating view on the current market and its vision of evolution of transportation mobility services and the impact on cellular solutions for the connected and autonomous car and future mobility services.

This successful conference was a great opportunity to discuss the automotive MVNO model with car manufacturers and the whole automotive / cellular ecosystem.